Hello and welcome to The Hoult Effect, your ultimate online resource for all things related to actor, Nicholas Hoult! The site was originally launched under a different name, Nicholas Hoult Central, but ended up getting outdated after two or so years. I have been wanting to relaunch the site for so long, and I’m so glad I finally managed to do so on the day the site celebrates its five-year anniversary online! I also thought I’d change the site name with the relaunch, I hope you all like it.
I have also been working hard on rebuilding the gallery these past few months. It’s not yet complete, but it currently holds over 40,000 images, varying from red carpet events, photoshoots, movie projects (including most Blu-ray extras), television shows, and more!
Feel free to browse the site, including the career pages I set up wherein you can find more details about each of Nicholas’ projects. Let us know what you think and if there’s any error you come across. You can also reach us on Twitter at @nickhoultnet and on Instagram at @nickhoultnet.